The invention of modern day tampons in 1929 was literally revolutionary, and I truly believe that tampons are a pivotal part of our independence as women. Hear me out! Tampons make it so that you can do anything you want to while still being on your period. You can go swimming, wear any outfit and
02. Inflammatory Foods
In very general terms, inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to some sort of irritant, such as a virus, bacteria or foreign object. Say, if you smack your little head on the pavement, your head can become inflamed as your immune system’s cells start activating themselves at high levels to heal your head wound.
05. Supplements
Supplements can be extremely beneficial for maintaining optimal health in general, and are even more important for those with autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis. In addition to eating a balanced and well-rounded diet, I find it necessary to take certain supplements to really take my health to the next level. The supplements that I take
01. Supplements
Supplements can be extremely beneficial for maintaining optimal health in general, and are even more important for those with autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis. In addition to eating a balanced and well-rounded diet, I find it necessary to take certain supplements to really take my health to the next level. The supplements that I take
04. Dunk MS
I attended my first ever MS fundraiser a few weeks ago, and it’s a funny story how I came across this event. One of my best friends, Felycia, who lives in NYC ended up chairing her law firm’s Walk MS event to support me and a family friend (she’s a lawyer too). Felycia put
03. Vitamin D3
After I was diagnosed and we discussed the main medications for treating my MS, my neurologist told me that I need to take Vitamin D3 in large amounts. Many studies suggest that there is a connection between Vitamin D3 deficiencies and MS—meaning those with Vitamin D3 deficiencies are significantly more likely to acquire and be
02. Face Makeup
Like anyone who is anyone at 13, I solely wore MAC makeup and a LOT of it. Then, when I was maybe 15, my sister found an aesthetician who led us towards Jane Iredale, which is a more natural makeup that doesn’t clog your pores (generally speaking). So, I was mostly already on the non-toxic,
01. Deodorant
There have been many discussions about antiperspirants and deodorants. Generally, these discussions surround deodorants and antiperspirants that contain aluminum that can potentially cause certain health conditions and unwanted side effects and has even been linked to breast cancer. I am definitely not here to say whether or not this is in fact true. However, I
02. Medications
Exactly 1 week after my diagnosis, I went back to my neurologist and this time, I brought my whole family. I thought it would be a good idea for my family to hear what the neurologist told me the week before about my diagnosis—especially since I blacked out the first time we discussed it. In
01. Diagnosis
During my 27 years, I have generally been a healthy person. Yes, I get sick a few times through the year that always ends up with a lingering cough that drives my Dad and boyfriend crazy, but I have never had an on-going condition. Then, I started working as a first year associate at a