Fun Facts

  1. My name is Taylor Marie. My middle name was my Grandmar’s name, and I am honored to share that with her. She passed away last year, and it’s comforting to carry her name with me wherever I go.
  2. I have the same birthday as my dad, which means instead of getting his favorite german chocolate cake for his birthday, he got me. Our birthdays are July 8, and we are Cancers. I like to think that I am the quintessential Cancer—creative, loving, loyal, protective, moody and suspicious.
  3. I lived in Washington, D.C. for 3 years to attend law school at the Georgetown University Law Center. I own way to many sweaters, scarves, boots and jackets from my short stint on the east coast. I am from Los Angeles, California, and I moved back there after graduating.
  4. Audrey Hepburn is my all-time favorite celebrity, and I have 5 photos of her in my room—not including two coffee books about her. Who doesn’t love Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady.
  5. I have one little sister, and she is my best friend. We have the quirkiest humor, and we generally are always thinking the same thing, so if someone says something that makes us think of an inside joke or movie quote, we will just look at each other and start laughing.
  6. I am not always the friendliest or most outgoing person, which is funny since my first word as a baby was Hi, but if you have a dog—especially a Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso, I will one hundred percent approach your dog and probably kiss them on the mouth. I also have 3 dogs—Charlie Benjamin and Georgie Brahms, who are Shih Tzus, and Chloe Marie, who is a Lhasa Apso. She was also named after my Grandmar because she has a strong personality and runs the show.
  7. I danced for over 10 years when I was growing up. I did tap, jazz, ballet and hip-hop.  Ballet was my favorite, and I just recently got into barre classes.  Maybe one day I will have my splits again. A girl can dream.
  8. I am very motivated by food. When I was a little girl, I would ask my Dad what was for dinner when lunch wasn’t even over yet. And I still haven’t grown out of that. I am always worried about what’s for and when’s dinner. Also, my all-time favorite food is tomatoes. There is nothing better than a vine ripened, blood red tomato.
  9. My favorite hobbies are travelling, cooking (even though I haven’t cooked in a while), and looking up fashion trends. My mom is in the fashion industry, and I grew up going shopping every weekend. Now that online shopping exists, I basically shop everyday (even if it’s just online window shopping).
  10. I am by far the worst singer ever, but if I even slightly know the words to a song playing, I will belt it out anyways. One of my best friends used to only play songs I didn’t know because of it.
  11. Last but not least, I was diagnosed with MS in March 2018, and my idea to create a blog was spurred by my diagnosis.