45. Brazilian Fish Stew

INGREDIENTS SAUCE & COD: 2 tablespoons avocado oil1 small white onion (sliced)6 cloves organic garlic (chopped)1.5 pounds wild caught cod28 ounces canned organic diced tomato1 cup organic coconut milk1/4 cup organic sour cream (optional)4 ounces organic tomato paste1 organic red, orange and yellow bell pepper (sliced lengthwise)½ tablespoon freshly ground sea salt½ tablespoon ground black pepper½ tablespoon organic red pepper½ tablespoon organic seafood seasoning1 teaspoon tabasco½ tablespoon

08. Added Fragrance

Many of our everyday products and especially our makeup products contain added fragrance.  But, added fragrance is sadly very toxic.  Most conventional perfumes, colognes, body sprays, lotions, serums, shampoos, conditioners and well, basically everything we put on our bodies contain a dozen or more potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals, such as petroleum.  This ingredient is hidden