01. Organic Tampons

The invention of modern day tampons in 1929 was literally revolutionary, and I truly believe that tampons are a pivotal part of our independence as women.  Hear me out! Tampons make it so that you can do anything you want to while still being on your period.  You can go swimming, wear any outfit and undies you want without a thick pad getting in the way (wearing white is still not the most prudent choice, but I am known to still live on the edge a little bit and wear it), exercise, and generally, feel more confident and comfortable throughout the day.

So, yes, I am a major tampon fan, but it’s important that our tampons be as safe as possible, because they’re literally inside of our bodies for hours on end on a regular basis.  I cringe just thinking about how many hours a toxic, unnatural, non-organic tampon has been inside of my body for my whole 14 year span of getting periods.

The issue surrounds the fact that the vagina is a mucous membrane, so it will absorb whatever you put inside of it, and it’s actually the most absorbent organ in our bodies.  Can you believe that?  I don’t recommend actually trying this out, but my sister came up with an example.  If you soaked a tampon in vodka and then used it, there’s no doubt that you would become extremely intoxicated.  The vagina would absorb all of the vodka and it would travel through your bloodstream, because it absorbs everything. 

The toxic, processed, non-organic tampons that we have all been using for years are a problem because of the following: (i) non-organic cotton comprises the tampon itself and this non-organic cotton has pesticides including glyphosate, (ii) the non-organic cotton is bleached, so that the tampons are extra white (do we even really care what color they are anyways?) and conventional tampons often contain the synthetic fiber rayon which releases dioxin (an endocrine disrupter linked to endometriosis and cancer) as a byproduct when it is converted from wood pulp, and (iii) the plastic applicator contains BPA and phthalates, which are also endocrine disruptors linked to reproductive and cancer risks.  I traded out my favorite Tampax Pearl tampons (to add, I don’t even know why Tampax Pearl was my favorite. I think it was just THE kind to have when I was in junior high and high school, and I stuck with them) for Seventh Generation’s organic tampons last fall, but up until then, my vagina was literally absorbing pesticides, dioxin, phthalates, and probably several other toxic chemicals for years.  Also, for those of you who bought the fragrance tampons, you were absorbing even more toxic chemicals, and it’s all really scary to think about.

Unbleached and unprocessed tampons made of just 100% organic cotton don’t have those chemicals.  They are made with organic cotton (so, they are free of pesticides or insecticides) and the cotton is not bleached or dyed.  These tampons also don’t have any added fragrances, which aside from them being safer that way, those fragranced tampons used to give me a headache.  The applicators on these organic tampons are made out of various biodegradable, sustainable, and renewable materials that don’t contain BPA or phthalates.  These tampons are just all around safer, and I think that is extremely important since we wear them for up to 8 hours at a time for about a week straight.

Also, the FDA doesn’t do a whole lot for our safety, but for whatever reason, they require all tampons to have the same absorbency.  So, the absorbency levels of organic and non-organic tampons are the same for regular, super, super-super, or whatever else they call them.  This means that the organic tampons are just as absorbent and effective, so there is no need to worry that they won’t do the trick like your favorite tampon used to do.

A healthy vagina is a happy vagina!

1 comment
  1. Thanks for sharing this!! I’ll have to look into these!

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