03. Vitamin D3

After I was diagnosed and we discussed the main medications for treating my MS, my neurologist told me that I need to take Vitamin D3 in large amounts. 

Many studies suggest that there is a connection between Vitamin D3 deficiencies and MS—meaning those with Vitamin D3 deficiencies are significantly more likely to acquire and be diagnosed with MS. Also, people who live further away from the equator and who are not exposed to the sun often are more likely to acquire MS. Because of this, I would suggest taking Vitamin D3 supplements on a regular basis, but obvs, don’t go crazy. Too much Vitamin D3 in your system can cause stomach issues, weight loss (which I wouldn’t be opposed to) and kidney stones.  Before starting to take supplements on your own, I would recommend having blood work done and then continuing the blood work on a regular basis to watch your Vitamin D3 levels.  You could have normal levels already and be in good shape, but if you are deficient, I would address that.

For those of you who already have MS, keeping your Vitamin D3 levels high (like higher than the average person’s levels) has been said to help heal the myelin sheath that is worn down from MS.  That means that keeping your Vitamin D3 levels high can help limit the progression of your MS, and it has also been said to help slowly eliminate your symptoms associated with MS.  Who doesn’t want that?  Also, I have not yet met someone who has MS who does not take Vitamin D3 alongside their other medications.  So, it is def a thing.

Before I was diagnosed with my MS, as noted in one of my previous posts, my general practitioner suggested I start taking Vitamin D3 because my levels happened to be low.  She prescribed 400 IUS a day, which I did.  After my diagnosis, my neurologist upped my Vitamin D3 intake to 1,000 IUS a day.  After 6 months of my 1,000 IUS regimen, my levels were not high enough in his opinion, so we upped my Vitamin D3 intake again to 2,000 IUS, and this is what I currently take.

P.S. Finding Vitamin D3 supplements that don’t have a bunch of crap ingredients in them is hard.  I currently take the Garden of Life My Kind Organic Vitamin D3 Spray each day.  It has a Vanilla flavor that I don’t love, but it seems to be quite effective at increasing my Vitamin D 3 levels.  If you all have a specific Vitamin D3 supplement you take that has organic ingredients and no other additives, please let me know.  I would be interested to try it out.