03. Supplements to Boost Immunity

As I noted in a previous post, supplements are very beneficial for maintaining optimal health in general, and now seems like a really good time to let you all know about certain supplements that boost your immunity and can potentially ward off or get your immune system in the best shape possible to ward off the coronavirus.  As a disclaimer, I am not saying that taking these supplements will cure the coronavirus, and I am not saying that taking these supplements will completely prevent you from contracting the coronavirus.  These supplements will just help get your immune system and insides in the best shape possible, so that you are potentially less likely to contract the virus and if God forbid you do contract the coronavirus, you are better able to fight it and hopefully, don’t contract any other viruses or infections in the meantime.  Thus, hopefully, we can all be a little more well preserved.

The supplements that I am currently taking to keep my immune system strong and have forced my fiancé and friends to start taking, as well, are as follows:

  1. Vitamin C with Flavonoids

I think I can say for certain that everyone knows Vitamin C is important.  Whenever I felt like I was getting sick when I was younger, my Dad always told me to eat an orange since it is a really good source of Vitamin C, but Vitamin C isn’t just important when you’re getting sick.  It is important to help prevent you from getting sick, because Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters.  It acts as an antioxidant, so it neutralizes free radicals generated by our body’s normal metabolism and by exposure to environmental radicals, including ultraviolet radiation and air pollution.  It can also strengthen our fatty membranes in our skin and connective tissue, which in turn will protect certain organs like our lungs from pathogens.  This is very helpful during this time since the coronavirus lives in and attacks our lungs.  An interesting fact about Vitamin C is that our bodies do not produce or store Vitamin C, so you need to take in some form of Vitamin C every day to maintain it—whether that be through supplements or food. 

  • Vitamin D3

As noted in a previous post, basically everyone is Vitamin D3 deficient in some respect.  With how demanding life is, it is almost impossible to get the adequate amount of sun each day.  Vitamin D3 is essential for proper immune system function and research has shown that the immune system needs Vitamin D3 to ward off viruses.  When you have a proper amount of Vitamin D3 in your system, your immune system will be balanced, which can help fight off diseases and infections.  It won’t necessarily protect us from getting the coronavirus, but it could very well lessen the chances, reduce the severity of the virus and help aid in a quicker recovery. 

The best way to get Vitamin D3 is directly through the sun by spending at least 20 minutes in the sun without sunscreen on during the hours of 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day, and we absorb it best through our stomachs, so get your bikinis out if you can.  If that’s simply not possible, because the weather is poor like it has been in LA or you work an office job and cannot go sit outside with your stomach out for 20 minutes, Vitamin D3 supplements are a good alternative.  I currently take 2,0000-4,000 IUS of the mini softgels.  I am obsessed with them because since taking them my Vitamin D3 levels have increased to normal levels finally.  If you aren’t vegan, you should try not to take vegan Vitamin D3 because the vegan Vitamin D3 is not absorbed as effectively as those that contain lanolin, which is derived from sheep and wool skin.

  • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)

NAC is a supplement form of cysteine, and cysteine is a semi-essential amino acid.  Along with two other amino acids (glutamine and glycine), NAC is needed to make and replenish glutathione.  Consuming adequate cysteine and NAC is important for multiple health reasons.  It helps aid in liver and kidney function, which is important for me since I take a strong medication to limit my disease activity.  That’s not why NAC is important for the purpose of aiding in your immunity.  It is an added extra benefit through.  NAC is useful for immunity boosting purposes because it aids in the replenishment of the most powerful antioxidant in our bodies, glutathione.  This antioxidant helps neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and tissues in your body, and it is essential for immune health and fighting cellular damage, so it can help improve a multitude of health conditions. 

However, the main reason why I am promoting taking NAC during this uncertain time is that NAC can relieve symptoms caused by respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant.  It loosens mucus in your air passageways.  It helps replenish the glutathione levels in our lungs and reduces inflammation in our bronchial tubes and lung tissue.  Two of the main symptoms of the coronavirus are shortness of breath and mucus in your lungs that you cannot get out.  This supplement helps get that mucus out and lessen inflammation in your bronchial tubes to lessen the shortness of breath and coughing. 

If you can get your hands-on Integrative Therapeutics NAC, I would highly recommend buying it right this second.  When I was on the lookout, it was sold out, so I opted for Thorne’s NAC, which is a good alternative.

  • Copper Bisglycinate& Zinc Picolinate

There are multiple forms of Zinc that you can take, but Zinc Picolinate is known to be the most absorbable form.  Zinc boosts immune system function and fights inflammation.  It is known to reduce the common cold duration by at least one-third.  Zinc may also act as an antioxidant, help reduce inflammation and protect against certain chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. One side effect of Zinc is that it interferes with our body’s ability to absorb copper.  To combat this, I recommend taking a Copper supplement in conjunction with Zinc.  Like with most of my other supplements, I buy Thorne’s Zinc Picolinate in 30 mg and Copper Bisglycinate in 15 mg.  It is recommended to not go over 40 mg of Zinc in one day, so please abide by that rule and don’t go crazy.

  • Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup like the above supplements helps boost our immune system.  The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that help get our immune system in shape and limit inflammation.  It is known to help reduce the symptoms of upper respiratory infections and viruses, as well.  This is because elderberry is antiviral; it loosens mucus, which makes it easier to cough and prevent an upper-respiratory virus from turning into pneumonia or bronchitis.  I usually only take this when I am starting to feel sick, and it helps either stop the virus in its tracks or lessens the duration.  However, during this time, I am taking a tablespoon at least once a day to be safe.  I don’t recommend taking this on a regular basis or long term, but for the next couple weeks I will be taking a tablespoon to help ward off the coronavirus.  As a side note, this one actually tastes good, so that’s a plus, and my fiancé doesn’t complain about taking this one.  I currently am taking the Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup.  This one has organic can sugar in it, which I don’t love, but it was difficult getting my hands on this one due to the current circumstances, so I bit the bullet.

