Aside from your gut, which does actually relate to your immune system health and function, your immune system is critical to being and staying healthy. It would be ideal and perfect if everyone ate enough foods each day to receive enough of all of the essential vitamins needed for proper immune system function. However, this is almost entirely impossible since the quality of our foods are mostly lacking, and it is hard to sometimes get our hands on the foods we simply need to boost our immune systems. However, there are a bunch of foods you can add to your meal schedule that will help you boost your immune system. These foods in combination with supplements to supplement the vitamins you are lacking or not getting from food can help keep you strong and healthy.
Citrus, Tomatoes and Bell Peppers
It is important to eat enough citrus if you are wanting to boost your immune system. Citrus contains very high amounts of vitamin c, which increases the production of white blood cells. Having a high white blood cell count is essential to fighting off or preventing any infections; it also can help maintain healthy skin. The best citrus with large amounts of vitamin c are grapefruits, oranges, clementines, tangerines, lemons and limes. Tomatoes and red bell peppers also have extremely high amounts of vitamin c. It should be noted that our body’s do not store or produce vitamin c, so you need to consume vitamin c daily to maintain strong levels of vitamin c in your system.
Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. It is supercharged with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins a, c and e. You just do not want to overcook the broccoli; to maintain its nutrients, it is best to eat the broccoli raw and fresh, or at most, steamed.
I am a huge fan of garlic, and garlic is extremely good for you. Garlic contains a heavy concentration of sulfur containing compounds, such as allicin. It is perfect for fighting infections and helps slow down the hardening of individual’s arteries. Some people believe it also lowers people’s blood pressure naturally. Also, if garlic is raw, it can help fight skin infections, since it fights bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Pomegranates help treat infections, and it may help your body fight bacterial and some other viral infections.
Ginger and Turmeric
Ginger helps reduce inflammation and prevent inflammatory illnesses. Ginger may also decrease chronic pain and might even help reduce cholesterol. Turmeric, like ginger, is extremely anti-inflammatory. It helps to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Like with the rest of these foods, these can both help boost your immune system. However, it should be noted that turmeric is only effective if it is served and consumed alongside black pepper.
Wild Oysters and Wild Salmon
Wild oysters and wild salmon contain really high levels of zinc. Zinc helps create and activate white blood cells involved in a proper immune system response. Thus, zinc is essential for proper immune system function, but you need to have a just right amount of zinc. Too much just like too little inhibits immune system function. However, just the right amount helps heal wounds more quickly.
Elderberry is filled with antioxidants and helps to fight inflammation. It is also known to now help block flu like viruses. Adding elderberry to your normal list of foods you snack on sounds like a perfect idea.
Blueberries contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties that can help boost your immune system. Flavanoids play an essential role in the respiratory tract’s immune defense system. This can help prevent you from getting an upper respiratory tract infection or other illness.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are like carrots; they have beta-carotene in them. When you consume beta-carotene, your body turns it into vitamin a. Vitamin a absorbs free radicals, which helps strengthen the immune system.
Button Mushrooms
Button mushrooms give you the mineral selenium, riboflavin and niacin. Having strong levels of selenium, riboflavin and niacin will help you avoid various illnesses and sickness. All of these mineral play an important role in a healthy, strong immune system.
Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth
Grass fed beef bone broth might literally be the healthiest thing for you. This broth is a huge source of nutrients and has a large anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which leads to relief from cold like symptoms. It also helps reset your gut, which I have noted in previous blog posts as being critical to your health.
All in all, there are a bunch of foods you can eat regularly that can help boost your immune system if you don’t want to just stay in supplement land. I try to bring these foods into my regular meal schedules, as I love all of these foods and I know what benefits they bring to me on a regular basis.
Here’s to being a little more well preserved and healthy this year.