I have wanted a skincare fridge for a long time, and for my most recent birthday, my dreams came true. My little sister and best friend gifted me with a skincare fridge, and it is the best thing to ever happen to me.
I am sure some of you are wondering if a skincare fridge is really necessary. I would say it is not necessary to use a skincare fridge, but at the same, there are benefits to having and using a skincare fridge.
Keeping your skincare products cold keeps them fresh longer—meaning they don’t expire as soon and they maintain their active ingredients. This is important for all of us who use natural, nontoxic skincare products, because most of those products don’t have preservatives in them. The cold of the fridge serves as a preservative, which is very helpful. The cold also helps keep some of your less stable products more stable. Vitamin C, bakuchiol and retinol, for example, contain unstable molecules and probiotics because they have living bacteria and molecules in them that normally do not live as long.
Also, keeping your skincare at cooler temperatures helps prevent mold, bacteria, and yeast from going, so then your skincare products stay germ free. Who doesn’t want that? Most of your skincare products are really supposed to be stored at a temperature between 45 and 50 degrees, and when they are kept warmer than that, all sorts of things grow that then you unknowingly put on your face. That can cause irritation and acne.
Using cold products also keeps your skin calm when you use cold products on your face. It has a soothing effect and reduces redness and inflammation. It is thought that this can help enhance the effects of your skincare products that are meant to brighten, sooth, hydrate or shine.
So, what should you keep in your skincare fridge? Face mask, eye masks, serums, eye creams, vitamin c, bakuchiols or retinol serums, and gels are perfect for your skincare fridge. You should not keep exfoliants, pore strips or cleansers in your fridge though. So, remember what you should or shouldn’t put in your fridge.
I personally like to keep my masks, serums and lemon balm. From a previous post, you know I use my lemon balm when I get a cold sore, and there is nothing more soothing than putting cold lemon balm on my cold sore.
I hope this post helps you decide if getting a skincare fridge is the right choice for you and your skincare routine.
Here’s to being well preserved.