I have been getting cold sores about two times or so a year since I was a young girl. Typically, and initially, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Most people think that means you have a venereal disease, but herpes simplex virus is not a venereal disease. It is really just a plain virus that could have occurred for a number of reasons. Some other viruses in combination with stress could have triggered the cold sores, and once you start getting cold sores, they can come back for a multitude of reasons. I generally get my cold sores when I am sick with something else. When I was little, I would get bronchitis all the time, and like clockwork, bronchitis came with a cold sore. It’s like a nice cherry on top when you feel like crap. I can also cause myself to get a cold sore when I am suffering from extreme stress or when I irritate my lips by picking them when I am nervous, anxious or overwhelmed. My emotions and the like can really cause a lot of havoc to me. (Separately, when I am too stressed, I can trigger my MS symptoms, as well. I am like Matilda with certain powers, but not the good kind, unfortunately. My Grandma was exactly the same way, so it runs in my family. I can’t help it unfortunately.)
So, generally cold sores themselves are oftentimes triggered or caused by psychological or environmental factors. For me, I think it is mostly psychological, but it’s different for everyone. Some of the psychological factors, are stress, fatigue, anxiety and exhaustion. Some of the environmental factors are colds, other illnesses, too much sun exposure, picking your lips, a weak immune system, hormonal changes, and weather changes. I think these different triggers affect each person differently. Stress may not trigger the cold sore in one person and it may in another.
There are some ways to try to avoid getting a cold sore. You should try to stay as healthy as possible and keep your immune system strong. Getting sick or having a fever can trigger a cold sore. Additionally, extreme stress can trigger the sore, as well. So, try to remain calm and be as well rested as possible to lessen the likelihood of a cold sore arising. Lastly, if you are going to be in the sun for a prolonged period of time, always have some sort of SPF on your lips. The sun can give you the worst cold sore ever.
You may ask, how do you know when you are getting a cold sore. For me, my the cold sore usually starts with a tingling or burning sensation on my lip. These symptoms usually occur for a day or so, and then a blister appears on my lip. Then, I try really hard to have the blister dry up. It usually heals in a week or so, and they generally do not leave scars. Thankfully! If you start feeling this tingling, it is best to ice your lip immediately. Icing the lip can help prevent the cold sore from surfacing altogether. You won’t always have this luxury, because for whatever reason, the cold sore tingling may start while you are sleeping and when you wake up, it is already too late. One of my best friends was also blessed with the gift of cold sores, and we have spent a lot of time talking about how annoying it is that you’re sleeping while the tingling starts, so you are basically set up for a loss and can’t stop the sore in its tracks.
So, you did everything you could to avoid a cold sore, but you still happen to get one, what do you do?
I used to try to mess with Abreva and other over the counter topical treatments, but they never really worked for me. They are also really toxic, so I decided to do some research this year about how to get rid of or heal your cold sore as quickly and naturally as possible. Below are some helpful tips, which I have actually tried myself that I do believe hasten the healing process, but whichever you choose, you want to start the remedy as soon as you realize a cold sore is brewing

- Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar almost cures anything. It’s like how the Greek’s feel about windex. Haha. I am kidding. I am Greek and that’s not really a thing, but apple cider vinegar is a true gem. It really is able to fight and heal a bunch of different inflammatory irritations and eliminate bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is really strong though, so you want to dilute it with water before putting it directly on your cold sore with a cotton ball. Otherwise, you might just burn your lip off. Also, you will want to reapply this remedy a few times a day until you are healed.
- Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is well-known because it has antiseptic and antiviral properties. I use Farmaesthetics Blemish Tincture, which is an organic blemish spot treatment made up of lavender and tea tree oil. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial components, so it is perfect for a cold sore. So, sometimes I will use this on my cold sore to heal it, as well. However, since I use this all over my face, if I am putting it on my cold sore, I put some on a separate cotton ball or cotton pad to avoid cross contamination. It is really good at drying up the cold sore fast. Also, if you are going to use straight tea tree oil, be sure to dilute it like you do with the apple cider vinegar. Tea tree oil is very strong.
- Organic Lemon Balm
Organic lemon balm is antiviral. So, this is a great option to heal a cold sore, and usually the remedy I lean towards now. It has actually healed one of my cold sores in 4 days, which I think might be record breaking. It’s also really good at drying up the sore fast, so you basically avoid the like oozing phase for lack of a better word. That part is the worst in my opinion. I have a liquid organic lemon balm, which I think you are supposed to dilute a little bit like apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil, but I definitely don’t. It sometimes burns a tid put at first, but it’s not as bad as how apple cider vinegar burns without dilution. I just put a little drop on my lip three or so times a day. I definitely would recommend.
- Peppermint Oil
Some studies have shown that peppermint oil can stop the activity of the cold sore virus completely. This means that it is a perfect nontoxic way to heal your cold sore. To use peppermint oil as a remedy, you should mix a few drops of the peppermint oil with a cleansing oil of some sort to dilute it a little bit before adding it to the cold sore. In the alternative, you could mix a few drops of peppermint oil with a drop of water on a cotton pad and dab the cold sore.
Generally, in all of these scenarios, you should try to apply and reapply three or so times a day and leave the sore alone. Do not keep touching it—especially because there are germs in the cold sore, so you don’t want to spread it to other people. Lastly, try to not stress yourself out. I know this is easier said than done, but stress makes the sore worse.
I hope you all don’t have to worry about cold sores like I do, but if so, I hope this posts helps you heal the cold sore without using those toxic, over the counter solutions, like abreva, which in my experience does not even help really.
Taylor, I use tea tree oil for a lot of things even in my gardening. It’s good to know I can use it for cold sores. I usually put toothpaste on my cold sore before bed so it dries before the blister forms. But I’m not aware if the toothpaste might be toxic in other ways